anyone remember the old standard issue cell phone game Snake? It used to come
with almost every new cell phone that had a little digital screen on it. You
controlled a little line, called a snake, as you navigated a 2-D plane in
search of little dots, called apples. When you ate the apples your body would
grow longer and longer and if you bumped into your body you lost. You would
also lose if you hit a wall. Future versions of the game had different
variations of this simple premise.
the XBL Indie Game qrth-phyl made by hermitgames, released on Sept 9th
2012. The game bills itself as an “Arcade
documentary of maze/dot/snake mechanic within changing dimensions”. Most
of that makes sense, with the exception of the documentary part. The website
doesn’t do much to alleviate my confusion, stating that “The game plays in 3D,
is adaptive and fuses elements of documentary.” I… I guess I’ll just forget
about the documentary part of it.
One of the first things I
noticed about the game is that there is no tutorial. This isn’t too big of a
deal, because the game is laid out simply enough. You move your little snake
around with the left control stick on a flat plane and collect dots, which make
you grow longer the more you eat. The first level has no obstacles for you to
bump into, aside from yourself. When you eat enough dots, a square doorway
opens up for you to guide yourself into. This takes you to the next level,
where suddenly you’re traveling in a 3-D space, flying around. It was disorientating
at first, but I quickly got used to it. I more had trouble with the fact that
Y-Axis was set to inverted by default. I thanked God I could change it.
The game continues to progress
in this fashion, shifting between a 2-D planes 3-D ones. One plane has you free
flying inside of a cube, the other has you traveling on the outside of a cube,
which is sometimes a flat surface that flips around when you get to the edge. As
for enemies there are green cubes that travel and grow like slow moving snakes,
and the other are red cubes that appear and disappear at intervals. The entire
time you need to keep collecting dots to grow, which will sometimes appear as
you consume dots throughout the level. The objective is always to eat dots and
not die until you make the gateway appear.
As far as I could tell the game
contains two items that you could collect. One is a green plus sign type thing
that shoots lasers in four directions for a short duration, which you must
avoid until they vanish. The other is a wavey blue thing that makes your snake
short again and turns your body into dots which you can eat. This helps boost
your score. The green one is usually easy to avoid, and doesn’t present too
much of a challenge to avoid the lasers if you do happen to hit it.
The graphics are very colorful.
Normally it’s not difficult to figure out where you are and what’s going on,
with the exception of the levels where you’re only dealing with the snake
getting extremely long. Sometimes I had trouble seeing where I was going due to
camera issues and being obscured by my own body. This issue only pops up during
the free flying stages. Otherwise, the graphics are very nice, but I wouldn’t
say I was blown away by them.
The sound serves its purpose. I
didn’t feel like I was enthralled by the music or that it was memorable, but I
wasn’t rushing to put my TV on mute either. I wasn’t annoyed by the sound
effects either.
In summation I would say this is
a good indie game if you liked Snake when it was more widely available. Its
feature light, in the fact that there’s only one game play mode and a local
high score list, so no comparing your scores with people around the world. Its
difficulty scales nicely, and I never found myself being overly frustrated. I
knew with practice and dedication I could get better. If this had a few more
features (Global High Score at least) I could see it having a more lasting
appeal to it. But 80 MS ($1) you’re not really taking a risk here, because
there really is 1 dollar worth of entertainment here.
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